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CPPC 125th Anniversary Party - THIS SUNDAY

CPPC 125th Anniversary Party - THIS SUNDAY
HAVE YOU BOOKED YOUR TABLE?Please note that the Ivy Lodge Clubhouse is starting to look incredibly busy for lunch and afternoon tea this Sunday 9th June as we celebrate our 125th Birthday. If you are planning to eat with us at any point throughout the afternoon PLEASE book in a table with Relish before the day on 01285 653444 to avoid disappointment.Sunday Lunch MenuRoast Chicken Supreme with Roast Potatoes and VegetablesSelection of Cold Meats, Salads, Leaves and SavouriesSelection of Puddings Vintage Afternoon TeaA selection of Finger Sandwiches, Cakes, Scones with Cream & Jam and Tea/Coffee(items priced individually)Evening Eat Wild BBQ from 6pm1/2 Chicken from the Asado with Charred Baby Gem Hearts, Egg Stuffed Peppers, Fresh Bread and Accompaniments(no booking required)BOOK NOW - 01285 658444 
With special thanks to our catering partners Relish, R&R, British Polo Gin and Eat Wild for their support with this event.
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