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We play like the Land we come from..Ready to Roll!

Hello Roadhouse is a small club with a Big Hart We have 5 players and 4 who think they are riders and can play so we always make do and have enough to have a good hit when we all come together.

The club meets every last weekend of the month as distance and lack of many sealed roads is hard to make it more.


We like Playing in the Snow this is Wally Wrenchshaft in our team against our closest neighbours who arent that much better than us at playing


Our winters are long so we enjoy the spring and fall there is not much summerWe dont have any women in our club players but Closet Fardulous and Rusty White bith have 5 daughters so we have plenty of womenfolk about which gives our club a lightness and happiness we know we are lucky because every notices

Our club meetings last about a week with most of us working weekends cropping and lumbering all through the early months


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We can bed 30 so we make sure everyone comes to party every nite and play hard every day


pubcrowdbrawl.jpegThisis not our place but it is uncanny resemblem I will get Dianne to help me put some real shots together and you can see more


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